Artesania Center is an online store where you can find unique handcrafted art and "just cool stuff" to decorate your home and garden.

But... At Artesania Center we do things a little different.

For one, we don't meet with our suppliers in a fancy conference room.  Instead, we meet them at their place of work, often in a small village.  Sometimes even in the middle of the jungle.

Also, we don't negotiate with our suppliers about purchase prices and discounts.  Our suppliers ask a price and we pay it.  After all, any discount we get means less food for their families.

We also don't do "bulk orders".  Our suppliers are small family businesses that have made their product the same way since grandfather's father started it a long time ago, and we don't force them to "speed up" production.

For you this means that sometimes you'll have to wait a bit longer before you receive your purchase, but in exchange you can be certain that it is a unique, hand crafted treasure.

Isn't that worth the wait?